Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Antagonizing People

It probably began earlier in the day when one of our new regular customers came into the store again.

It's not a good encounter with that customer like....ever because they are always in a hurry and have to be somewhere...but then proceed to waste my time asking a ton of questions that I'm pretty sure they don't even listen to the answer to because I've had to repeat myself multiple times. I've also had to tell the customer the same customer the same information multiple visits in a row.
So the fact that they walked into the store....was stressful.

Thankfully the encounter was less antagonizing than usual.
They again tried to convince me that we've sold different lid tops to our reptile tanks than we have. That they were 'designed' differently.

So I had to explain AGAIN that the lids that we sell WITH the tanks are DIFFERENT than the ones we sell separately.
But the customer doesn't believe me. Convinced that we used to sell sliding lids instead of ones that just sit on top of the tank.

No we don't.

Not separately.
As a kit with a tank?  Yah sure I can point out a couple different ones easily.
But separately.
Nope. Just the one style.

In any case.

a few hours after this customer had left the store -thankfully taking up less of my time than usual.

I had a group of guys come in.
The sort where you can tell they're young.
Possibly still in their teens. 
As that was the vibe they were sending off.

But they were into the pets.
Wanting to hold the animals and such. One dude was convinced he wanted a guinea pig and wanted to get one for his other guinea pig he already had---yet in the end ended up buying a bird. O.o??

But there was this other guy.
Who was considering buying a reptile but wasn't sure what kind he wanted.
So he requested to hold one of the Leopard Geckos.
Just to see their temperament. 
And requested to hold a second one so he could compare.
And then requested to hold three different bearded dragons of various sizes to try and figure out which one 'liked' him the best.

Which by the third bearded dragon there was another customer wanting to hold the snakes.
So I had one customer holding a snake and this guy holding a beardy.

And he's still asking questions. 
Trying to figure out how long these lizards will live.
Which I'd told him at least four times they live ten years if not longer.
And that the reptiles need a bigger cage than his little five gallon he had at home.

He then requested to hold the leopard gecko again -this third one did not like him. 

Which great.
I was all too happy to try and help him.
But then he let it drop that he was going on a mission soon.
So he wasn't sure if he should get a pet now or wait until after.
How soon was the mission?
Six months.

And reptiles? He kept thinking they would live only a year.
No dude. They live at least a decade if you do well by them!

But Six months?
If you're leaving in SIX months then DON'T BUY THE PET! 
I mean, who are you going to have take care of the reptile while you're gone for TWO YEARS?
Your family?
A friend?

Like dude.
Just wait.
You don't even know if you'll want the lizard when you get back.
*shakes head*

So I told him it would be better to wait.
And left him to think about it.

Only for him to find me two minutes later to talk about fish.
Because he currently has goldfish and wanted to get ore fish.
Possibly for a second tank that he 'has'

And repeated the process.
Of asking a ton of questions and barely listening to my answers.

I again let him 'think about it'
And vanished from the floor, taking my escape and going on a fifteen so I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. Because the dude wasted a good 30-45 minutes of my time. XP 
And it was stressing me out. 
Ugh. I ended up with such the major headache because of it.

It was only while I was on break that I realized the dude may have just wanted to chat/flirt.
 *rolls eyes*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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