Thursday, May 2, 2019

Power Surge

We had a power outage at work today.
Which has happened before.
But this one felt...different.

I was in the back on break when the power suddenly went out.
Which it's weird to realize how noisy a place was when suddenly everything goes silent for a breath....

But then, there was the hum of everything coming back on, noise coming back into the picture. 

The power had only been out for a few seconds. 

Yet it had quite the effect on us in the store.

Because the registers...totally spazzed out. 

Which, usually it's not that big of a deal with the registers if the power goes out for a few seconds because they have backup generators and such to keep them running for a little bit after the power goes out.

Today they all froze.
Wouldn't scan.
Wouldn't respond.

The managers had to restart them.
And then restart them again because some of the functions weren't working.
And then restart them a third time....
Maybe even a fourth....before we got them up and running so that we could check customers out.

Which it seemed to take forever....the poor customers waiting in line were rather patient about it as two of the managers were frantically trying to get any of the four registers up and running enough to let people check out. 

It took a good 20 to 30 minutes if not slightly longer to get things going. 

Thankfully everyone was rather patient.

But it was so weird.

We don't even know why the power surged and went out like that....

But it definitely caused chaos for a while afterwards. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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