Sunday, May 5, 2019


My family needs to work on communication.

I like to know things in advance.
I hate it when things are sprung upon me unexpectedly or last minute.
Because like....I have plans.
And then I have to adjust my plans accordingly.
Which stresses me out.

And gives me a headache.

Which considering it was Fast Sunday today.
I was already doomed from the start.
Because I basically always end up with a headache on fast sunday because going without food and then to church where I have to deal with the 'social aspect' of being surrounded by a bunch of people that won't talk to me or notice me or you know....interact....
Is stressful.

So yah.

But then one after the other.
I had unexpected things sprung upon me.

Like the fact that Grandma was coming to our family dinner.
Like the fact that the rest of the fam wanted me to go pick her up---which still doesn't make full sense to me because I was literally the furthest person away from Grandma....and I would be going out of my way to pick her up....*shakes head*

but lastly.....

They neglected to tell me that she had fallen and hurt herself Friday evening. 

So I show up to Grandma's house expecting to see my normal grandma....

And was confronted with a "Survived the War" sort of visual.
Arm in a cast.
Cuts on her hands and arm and face.
A large black eye.

It was....shocking to say the least.

She'd fallen after moving some rocks in her backyard.
But thankfully it was just cuts and scrapes and a slight sprain to her wrist.

So she looked a lot worse than she actually was. 
But still.
Not what I was expecting to see.
And totally shot up the stress levels as I tried to figure out when this had happened and why no one had told me.

-It's because my family doesn't communicate.


In any case.
That was the 'fun' adventure of the day.
But I'm grateful that Grandma was alright overall and that we got to visit and hang out for a bit.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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