Friday, May 24, 2019


So there's this 'new' dinosaur museum outside of Arches National Park.
I say 'new' because I'm pretty sure it's been around for like maybe 5 years or so.
So it's new but not brand spanking new.

But in any case.
My family hasn't had the chance to go visit this place.
Mostly because we didn't have time to.

But these past couple of months.
Daddoo has gotten back into dinosaurs. recollecting figurines he had as a child and doing research and who knows what else.
So he was anxious to visit this dinomuseum that he hadn't been to before.
And considering some of the others coming with us on this particular vacation also love dinosaurs...

It was kinda  a no brainer to go to this place lol.

I mean, I'd seen it from the road.
As there are these giant life-like dinosaurs that you can see as you drive by.
I thought it was kinda...well silly.

But no.
Being there in person.
Close up to these dinosaur models.
It was actually really cool.
Cool to see the different colors and patterns and really weird because the dinos all almost seemed to have feathers on them in some parts instead of only scales/skin. 
So weird.

But my favorite part for sure of this place.
Was that they had an 'aquarium' 
Where you would be taken on a guided tour through a 'lab' of sorts.

It was like a 3D tour because you had to wear these special glasses.
And projected on the screen were the 'aquariums'
Where they would show you life-like animations of sea creatures that lived back in dinosaur times and the models would move and blink and open their mouths and swim away and swim back and ah.
It was awesome!!

I honestly could have spent like twenty minutes in front of each 'tank' watching the thirty second loop of each creature doing it's thing.
It was fun because it was one of the more lifelike experiences I've had and I just...Ah 
I loved it.

It was a great experience and I'm glad I was able to go with the fam to see it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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