Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hiking Greetings

It's kinda amazing how confident young kids can be.

We went hiking today in Arches and since it's a holiday weekend....
People are everywhere.

Seriously. Lots and lots of people.
But usually on these sorts of hikes...I'll maybe do a polite hello....or otherwise just kinda silently pass people on the trail--
And if they're loud people on the trail, breathe a sigh of relief when they're no longer in earshot.

But one of the kids I was with this weekend.
Liked to say different things to people as we passed them by. 
My favorite one being "You're a chicken nugget!" 
And the dude was like "If I'm a chicken nugget what are you?" 
"A goose" came the response lol. *shakes head*

Otherwise it was simple "You're cool!" or "I like _____" to the other people we passed on the trail. 

But the most common one that this child loved to say was "Hi Stranger! Don't be a Stranger, Stranger!" 


It's amazing how many smiles and some laughs it brought to the others faces as they passed us by. 

Lol and it only encouraged the young one to continue saying that phrase because:
"I like seeing/making them smile!" 

Such a sweet kid.
For sure. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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