Monday, October 14, 2019

A Season of Sunsets

It's kinda been a month of reflection for me.

Mostly because I'm all too keenly aware that November...marks the one year versary of Mother Dearest's passing. 

So like... October kinda has this symbolicness of 'the moment before everything changed.'

As last year it was so simple. So simple.
The main thing I remember about last October is that I randomly decided, after getting an Instagram account, was to spend October posting a picture of the sunset each day.

Originally I had planned to only post sunsets for that month and then I would switch to something different.

But I had enough positive feedback about the Sunsets, and requests to continue it.
That I chose to continue taking pictures of them.

Which has made me keenly aware of when the sun sets this past year lol. And it's been interesting to note the sun setting further North as Summer approached with it disappearing behind the horizon later and later in the day, but now that Winter is coming the sun has begun it's trek back southward and is setting earlier and earlier in the day. 

But yah.
It's just like....symbolic I suppose?

How Sunsets signify the end of the day. 
And How October last year...was basically the end of an era....the last full month I had where Mother Dearest was physically present on the earth.
AS she passed midway through November. 


So it's like been bittersweet this month.
Looking back on Facebook posts I made this time last year. 
Feeling a bit of dread about what's going to be posted in November....*exhales* I may just have to avoid looking at the 'year in a day' posts for the entire month. 

But yah...
I just have felt more...fragile this month.

Yet still....I continue to take pictures of the sunsets.
Which I suppose it's nice to have something stable and constant in my life when there's been so much change this past year.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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