Monday, October 7, 2019

Cleaning Cleaning

I've been in a writing funk recently.
Like while I'm away from the house my brain is all gung-ho about writing.
But as soon as I get home?
All desire immediately seems to leave and I find myself procrastinating writing until it's far to late and I have to go to bed. 
Which is....frustrating.
Really I should just come home and just jump into writing and ignore the doubts/fears/worries that keep me from putting words on a page.

Today was not that sort of day. *exhales*

I decided to see if I could help 'clear my mind'
By cleaning my room.

As it's been a jumbled mess for far too long.
So I put away my laundry, made my bed, took out the trash, and cleaned up a bunch of odds and ends off the floor.

I basically got my room to the point where I could actually vacuum the floor without worrying about accidentally sucking something up. :S 

I mean....I still have some small piles of random odds and ends that still need to find a better home than on my floor.

But at least my room is a lot cleaner than it's been in....well forever really.

So hopefully that helps to 'declutter' my mind as well.
As it's one less 'to do' think that I no longer need to put off.

We'll see I suppose. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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