Tuesday, October 15, 2019


So last week when the Regional Manager visited...or maybe it was the week before that? ....No idea. Recently when the RM came by to visit.
They mentioned to my Head Manager that our fish tanks were looking....rather sad. 
Mostly because they didn't have a lot of decorations in them and the decorations we do have....are missing the plants they originally came with because those eventually fall out from how much we mess around with them.

In any case.
The Regional Manager wanted us to spruce them up.

And apparently we're having yet ANOTHER visit next week on Tuesday.
And then we're having the Regional Manager's boss come in the second week of November for a visit...*exhales*

Like...I'm so tired of all these visits.
Especially when I'm present for Every. Single. One. 

One of these days I'll actually be gone on vacation when there's a visit and I'll miss it and it will be sooo nice. 
Pretty sure that's not gonna happen as they always visit the week before or the week after my vacations.
Like next month they're coming like the day before I leave. *shakes head*

In any case.

The RM wanted us to decorate the tanks.

So today the HM came up to me and told me that he wanted it to be a priority for us today to redecorate all the tanks.

Which when you have like 70 tanks.... :S 
That's a lot of tanks to decorate. :S :S :S

He wanted us to have a rock (the original decoration), another decoration, and then a plant placed in each and every tank and to pull ornaments/plants from our shelves that we had a ton of in order to do that.

So once I got opening done.
I went to work.
Finding the decorations and plants that we had a ton of.
Pulling them off the shelves.
And then figuring out how to get them all into the tanks and make it look nice.

Which was....hard.
Because like.
I'm used to my 125 gallon tank at home and decorating that which means lots of plants and decorations.

Which meant that having just like....three items in a tank....
Made me feel like I wasn't doing the best job my manager wanted me to do.

I suppose that's what happens when you've been staring at the tanks for like three hours straight.
Lol it's hard to think it looks good when you've seen the flaws and issues.

Though everyone else I asked in the store thought that they looked really good when I was done.
So that's....a good sign.

Hopefully HM when he comes back in -as he left before I was finished- likes what I did with the tanks as well. ^^;; 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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