Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Teeth Teeth Teeth


There are some days where I wish that teeth never had issues.
They grow in. Stay perfect and healthy and strong and never break or crack or whatever else that teeth do that causes issues with them.

Or you know...I wish that we had teeth more like sharks.
Where you don't have to worry about them falling out or breaking because a new tooth would just come in after it.

But noooo people have to have only two sets of teeth and the first set doesn't last longer than like 5-10 years it seems like....

Which honestly.
If our teeth only last like maybe a decade at most.
It makes sense why the second set of teeth would end up with problems too within a decade or so...

In any case.
Once again.

I have an issue with my teeth.

Where once again
I was innocently chewing on some candy.

and it was a hard candy sure.
And I was crunching down on them quickly to try and swallow them so I could talk to customers at work.

When I felt and maybe even heard this CRACK. 

Luckily it didn't hurt or anything.
But when I went to feel my teeth with my tongue.
It encountered a sharp edge.

Poor tooth 13 had lost one of it's fillings. 
One that was placed on the outside of the tooth.
So unfortunately my cheek could feel every rough edge and made it so I didn't really want to talk and antagonize it.

A glance in the mirror showed that yah...I had a big chunk of tooth missing.
But lucky number tooth 13 is in my mouth at such an angle that I couldn't see the full extent of what had happened beyond assuming a filling fell out. 

I'm not surprised.
I'd noticed in the past week or so that the surface of that tooth was feeling a bit rougher....
and so I wondered if i may have had a cavity forming there or maybe the filling was breaking apart.

So to realize it was that tooth that had the issue.
Not surprised.
But not surprised.

Thankfully when I called the dentist to see when I could get in.
They happened to have an opening today!

Unfortunately...it was exactly when I was supposed to get off work. XP Boo.
but with how...irritating the edge of the tooth was to my cheek and with how much my tongue was playing with the broken surface....
I bit the bullet (not literally) and asked my work if I could leave early to drive up to the dentist to get my tooth fixed.

Thankfully they were understanding and thankfully we had the coverage so I could slip out and head up to the dentist.

...In a snow storm.
Oh goodie.

In any case.
It was different this time around because I ended up seeing a different dentist as my usual dentist had brought in another dentist because my dentist leaves at like 2pm and not many people can get in to see him without taking the day off of work or something.
So he brought in a second dentist who would stay later in the day which would allow people (like me) to be able to come in later. Yay! 

Bad news on my side.

I was right.
I did have a cavity that formed underneath the filling.

So before the dentist could replace the filling...they would need to drill out the cavity.
Only in drilling out the cavity...it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger....

To the point where the Dentist called a halt.
And took an Xray.

Because they were like "We're getting really close to your root canal and if the infection from the bacteria in the cavity has spread to the canal...you'll need to get a root canal" 

We may be dodging that bullet.

The x-ray shows that the cavity is close to the root but that the dentist should be able to get it all out without having to do a root canal in the process and just do a filling instead.

She couldn't do it today.

We hadn't scheduled enough time to do so.
And with how close the cavity is to the root canal...
The dentist wants to take more time and more precision tools to get the filling out without hitting the root canal with the blood vessels and nerves inside. 

But it's not like you can fill a tooth with a cavity still in it. 

So unfortunately.

I once again have to deal with the temporary filling clay like material that will protect the inside of my tooth until I can get back into the Dentist for a longer appointment to get the tooth fully free of cavity. 

Unfortunately....the earliest I could be seen is Thursday...of next week. XP BLEH. 

So for the next week I'm going to have the 'fun' stress of being careful about what I'm eating and needing to chew only on one side of my mouth so I don't accidentally knock out the temproary clay stuff. 

Oh. The. Joy. XP 

We'll see how well I do with this week because of it.
But *fingers crossed* that we avoid the root canal and I can just get a nice filling instead. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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