Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Busy Morning

So it was just me and the manager this morning at work.
Like literally.
When the store opened. 
It was just me and the manager.

No cashier had been scheduled for another hour.

Which meant that the manager needed to be on the register until our cashier showed up. 
Because that would allow me to go ahead and finish completing the opening tasks. 

And like.
We usually get in a handful of morning people.

But usually more start coming in closer to lunch time.
You know when people go on their lunch breaks. 

But occasionally....

We get in those morning rushes.

Where everyone and their mom decides that they need to be at the Petstore first thing in the morning.

And today...was one of those days.
It hasn't been the crazy busy that I've experienced before.

But for that first hour we were open I was just going from customer to customer to customer to customer and didn't have any time at all to do any of my opening tasks for that hour because the phones were also ringing off the hook and like every other customer had complicated questions that couldn't be answered with a simple 'oh it's on aisle four' no it was like ten to fifteen minute interactions.


I was really excited to have our cashier come in so that there would be two people on the floor and not just me running around since the manager couldn't really leave the register area because they were checking out customers.

So yah.
Crazy morning.
So much fun.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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