Sunday, October 27, 2019

Noise Noise Noise


Today has been...a hard day for me.
Mostly in that I've just been....extremely irritated.

And most of that irritation is directed to the Fourth Roomie. 

Because it seems like no matter what we do...she always finds a way to cast a negative shadow over things.

Honestly, I have been ready for her to move out since like three months into her living here.

Because she is soooo particular about things.

And it totally unwilling to bend her whims to better accommodate us.
It's basically 'Her way or her way." 

And if She has an issue with something then WE have to fix it.

But if WE have an issue with something then WE still have to fix it.
She works to avoid having the blame placed on herself and tries to stick it to anyone else.

The major sticking point between her and the rest of us roomies has often been the cleanliness of the kitchen. 

Though we have managed to work that one out a bit more.

She still has her quirks like needing the sink to be absolutely clean while she's cooking...even though she's cooking....idk.
Or my main annoyance with her is that she'll take dishes out of the dishwasher that we've stuck in because they 'don't fit' but then won't place any of the dishes she took out of the dishwasher BACK INTO the dishwasher once it's clear again.

So yah.
I have my moments where I really just wish she would move out. It kinda ebbs and flows. Some days I'm fine. Other days I can't stand to be around her at all. 

I'm in one of those "can't stand her" phases right now.

And the current irritation was sparked because of last night.

She's known for over a month that we were holding a Halloween party last night. 
Which parties are known to go late.
We didn't have everyone gone until like 1 am.

Which in all reality shouldn't have been an issue to this roommate.

Because she is often staying up until one or two in the morning throughout the week even though she has school/work in the morning.

So me and my roomies honestly didn't think there would be any issues if the party went late.

Personally I was thinking it would last until eleven or midnight.
So we were pretty much on par with expectations.

But for whatever reason.
What did fourth roomie decide she wanted to do?

Go. To. Bed. Early. 

Early being like 1130 or so? 
Which when she stays up until 1am or 2am is definitely considered early for her.

Especially on a weekend! 
Like today is Sunday.
Church didn't start until nearly noon.
She could have slept in easily after staying up late like she normally does and still have gotten plenty of sleep.

But nooooooo
For whatever reason she decided to go to bed early.
And complained that we were 'being too loud' 

*frustrated noises*

It's not like we have parties every weekend.
No this is like a once a year sort of party with tons of people.

But it seems like EVERY TIME
we have guests over,
Even if it's smaller groups of two-five people instead of the 12 or so we had last night.

She always takes issue with how noisy we are those nights as those nights just happen to be the nights she wants to go to bed early.

Just like.

It's like she purposely enjoys causing tension in the house. Enjoys annoying us. Enjoys playing the suffering martyr. XP

I don't like it. 

And I am looking forward to when I don't have to live with her any longer.
As I don't like the drama she causes when she refuses to compromise when there are issues brought up. XP 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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