Monday, October 21, 2019

Family Time

I do say.
I've missed the family gatherings.

My siblings, their significant others, and I managed to meet up for dinner tonight!

We ended up going to Texas Roadhouse because it's a more...neutral ground?

As I'm all too aware that there are certain restaurants that we went to as a whole family that are difficult for my siblings to go to because they're reminded of Mom and such because we would go there all the time with her present.

But Texas Roadhouse...has more of a mixed environment as I've often gone there with friends or just my siblings and such. 

I do have to say that if we go out to a sit down dinner.....we probably need to pick a place that's slightly more quiet lol as it's difficult to hear my voice.

But still.
It was a good bonding experience and we all agreed that this was a good idea.


We got to go over and see my Brother's new house!


It's so cool!!!

Lol though I can see why my brother was like "I'm turning into Dad!" 
Because the house has a lot of similarities to Daddoo's place.
Though enough differences that I probably wouldn't have made the connection if he hadn't pointed it out.

But I'm pretty sure houses from that decade were all pretty much built around the same basic plan. 

The only differences are basically on what subsequent owners decided to change/cutout/renovate etc. 

It's an awesome looking house with it's own unique aspects like a moving bookcase, and random things left behind by the last owners, and like no windows in the basement. *shakes head*

But I'm proud and happy that he and his wife are taking this step forward in their lives.
And I hope that they can make the house into their dream home once they get all settled in. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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