Tuesday, October 8, 2019


There's a lot of changes on the docket for my work.
At least, there are a lot of plans to make changes at work.

Because like...it took them seven years to decide to paint the outside of the building.
So really when I'm told that 'things are gonna happen.' I take it with a grain of salt.

But apparently things are going to be happening a lot....sooner than expected. 

As we had our Regional Manager into the store last week.
And apparently the RM really likes our Head Manager.

As HM told me today that we've been put on the short list for multiple things.

The most likely to happen...like maybe next month will happen.
Is that our overhead lights are going to be switched from fluorescent bulbs to LEDs.

Which I'm sure will make a ton of customers happy.
Because we get the complaint a lot that our store is 'too dark'

Though honestly...I'm rather used to the light levels.
So like...I don't think it's too dark?
But apparently it is for some customers. 

And switching to LEDs will probably be a good thing, honestly because we replaced like...half of our fluorescent bulbs earlier this year....and glancing up at the overhead lights...it looks like the other half that weren't replaced...now need to be replaced.

So switching to LEDs would probably be more cost effective in the long run and keep the store brighter for the customers.

....It's going to be so weird when that happens methinks. To have it be so bright. :S 

In any case.
The next change that might happen 'sooner' rather than later because 'emails have been flying' according to my manager is that we're finally going to get a fridge on the floor again that will hold our worms as they're currently kept in a fridge (that's like a kitchen fridge) behind the fish wall.

So to have an actual glass door fridge that will allow customers to go grab the worms without us having to break away to grab them....would be amazing.

Honestly, I've been like "can we get a fridge for the worms" since I first started here.
But back then the managers were like "No it's too much $$$" or else I was told that they don't do that sort of thing anymore.

And the reason why we're now potentially getting a fridge...is that there's this gap next to the frozen fish food freezer....that's been there for years since the original fridge broke and wasn't replaced.
Originally when I first started we had a shelving unit in the spot facing backwards so that we could use the shelves behind the fish wall to hold food and such.
But after rearranging the manager before our current one had us hang this black tarp over it.

And current head manager hates that tarp.

Apparently the RM didn't like it much either....though it's been hanging there for like four years now I feel like.

And so we may be getting in the fridge to get rid of that gap.

And lastly.

The last major change which like a week ago was a 'Two year or longer' plan but has now apparently been put on the 'short list' of within the next year....

Is that we may be getting an entirely new fish system!

So it will be smaller and nicer and newer than our current wall.
More similar to the new stores fish walls and such.
Which would be nice because our feedergoldfish would be in tanks higher up and there would be official turtle tanks on the wall for the turtles.

And like it will be so cool!

Because our fish wall....is ancient.
And it's getting to the point where if parts break down....it's getting difficult to replace said parts.

And because the RM likes my HM.
We got placed on the short list to have our fishwall replaced.

Which means that whenever that does go down....
We'll have to close down the entire fish department for like a week while they tear down the old and put up the new fish wall. 

And apparently when we do get word of this change happening....
We'll have to get rid of all our fish.
So all the fish on the fish wall will be steeply discounted in an effort to sell through them all before the wall gets taken down. 

:S :S :S 
My main worry is for the fish that...well we don't sell in time.
Honestly...I wouldn't be surprised if I end up taking a bunch of them home to save them.

As all the fish would need to be gone.
And then once the new wall is up...we'll get in a shipment of entirely new fish. 

So yah.
That's exciting.
Again, not expected to happen for a year or so.

But still.
Lots of changes in the future. :D
Should be interesting to see.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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