Sunday, February 2, 2020

Go Team

I'm not one to pay attention to Football.
Honestly the only entertainment I get from it is watching the commercials on the Super Bowl.

When asked my favorite team?
I say the 49ers.

Because that was the team I remembered my Mom rooting for when I was a child. 

Mostly because that was around the point that Steve Young was the quarterback I think??

She ended up rooting for the Bronco's in later years.

But the 49ers have been the team that stuck in my mind throughout the years.

Not that I follow them at all.

I don't know how well they do, how many games they've won or lost.

So I was pleasantly surprised to find that they had made it to the superbowl this year.

As I feel like they haven't been to one since I was in elementary school.

So I was rather excited. Like. YES! :D Go my mom's team. 

No one else was.

I don't follow the drama. The politics. The ins and outs of which coaches work for who or which players have gone to different teams. 

So it ...threw me off a bit. 
When I joined some family for the 'Big Game'

To find them all rooting for the Chiefs.

Because my knowledge. There's no familial connection to the chiefs. No history with them.

While the 49ers were once my Mother's favorite team.

So to have Daddoo rooting strongly against them.
Was so disjointing me. 
It was odd to be like the only 49ers fan in a room full of chief supporters.

I would have loved it if the 49ers had one.
It sure looked like it in the first half.

Though I am proud of the chiefs for finally getting a win after 50 years. So woot!! Yay for them.
After all, I'm not that into football. 
Most years I randomly pick a team and root for them.

So I'm not disappointed that the 49ers didn't win.
I am sad.
But the teams gave it a good go. At least there was more of a fight this year between the teams.
Other years it seems like one side creams the other. 

So yah. Good fight.
Good game.

Wish I could have had someone with me to support my team though.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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