Saturday, February 8, 2020


It feels like when one aspect of my life goes unstable....the other areas tend to follow suit.

And I honestly don't feel like I can deal with the emotional...drain it's all causing at the moment. 

Today I received another blow to my....idk psych? To the stability I need to have in my life.

Stability that is rather rocky currently *exhales*

I came into work today to discover that my head manager is "no longer a part of the company." 

Which is like....

With the emotional turmoil I've already been in from the past couple of days.
It was kinda like "Oh goodie, another problem to add to it might as well pile it on it looks like a week of emotional trauma for Sarnic." 

But like.
It's a shock.
Because this head manager has been really good for the store.
Like I felt the environment has been really positive.
And the atmosphere has been good.
Our store's been looking great and overall customers have been really satisfied and happy.

There was even talk of the manager transferring to a different store to help them out because they've been struggling.

So to hear that he's like.
Gone gone.

It's so weird.

The pieces don't add up.
And in typical corporate fashion.....they're not really giving details on why the manager is suddenly gone.

I hate that.
I like having details and concrete information.
I like being in the loop.

And whenever managers vanish it's sooo secretive.
Like. You only ever hear rumors of rumors as to why they're let go.

It's like they're afraid of word getting out or something? Not wanting the general public to know??? But like...don't workers have a right to know the reason why the manager is gone?

It's rough.
And the dynamic in the store is going to be...stressed. 
As it can take up to 6 weeks to get a new manager for the store. 
So I hear that the other managers are going to be working overtime to ensure that there's coverage and such.

But yah.
I get that it's retail and that most of the time people don't stick around.
But at the same time...I really thought he would be around longer and would have left....under different circumstances.


Here's to hoping that the new head manager is a good fit for the store.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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