Monday, February 17, 2020


Holidays are always...well crazy at work.

It makes it difficult to get things done in a timely manner.
Because you can't plan a holiday to be like any other regular day.

As holidays bring days off from work.
Which means that for whatever reason, people decide that they want to come into the pet store and get a pet. 

I don't understand it.
Like if you have a day off why not go out and do something fun instead of visiting my work??

It's hard to predict just what people will want though.

Sometimes customers focus more on the dog stuff.
Other holidays it's the birds.
And yet others it's the fish.

There's no way of telling which way customers will go. 

Today it was the fish.

It seemed like everyone wanted a betta or another fish of some sort. 
And oddly enough.
It was a bunch of college students.

Like I don't know why all the students around decided they suddenly needed fish.
But that's definitely what it felt like as I went from customer to customer to customer answering similar questions each time.

*shakes head*

Gotta love holidays.

They're exhausting. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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