Wednesday, February 5, 2020


I suppose...I should have foreseen this. 

As I've warned many a customer about the hazards of adding too many fish at once into their tanks.

And adding liek....37 fish within the space of a a lot of fish.
Though in the grand scheme of things they were only like an inch long.
And if one inch of fish equals one gallon of water...then I only added in 37 gallons worth of fish into my 125 gallon tank.
Which is like...idk a third of the tankish?

(I'm too tired to do proper math so let's just go with it.) 

Unfortunately though....I may have a fish within the tank that likes to eat my smaller fish.

As of my 15 neon tetras....only 4 remain.
Of my 5 glolight tetras....only 2 remain.
Of my 8 black neon tetras...only 4 remain.
And of my 5 red minors...only 4 remain.

So it could be that one of the other one of my large goldfish as I've seen him chasing the little fish around on occasion...ate them.

Or I just added too many fish at once because I got over eager and wanted to add in lots and lots of fish....and the fish are just dying off on their own to get back into a more stable environment. 

I'm guessing I overstrained the tank.

As multiple goldfish have been the past couple of days.
>_< and I just noticed a couple of hours ago that one of my goldfish has come down with ich. *exhales* 
So I've turned up the temperature in my tank to try and help it naturally go away.

As this is really bad timing since I don't have the proper treatment handy and I'm going to be gone for the next couple of days. Gah.

So hopefully...the increased heat in the tank helps my poor goldfish out.
And once it stops snowing I'll be able to easily do a water change on the tank -as my gravel vacuum only connects to an outdoor faucet....

but yah.
Note to self.
Don't add so many fish at once.
You know better Sarnic. You. Know. Better.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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