Friday, February 14, 2020

Seeking Advice

There's just something about being able about problems in your life.
That help to clarify things.
That help to calm you down. 
That help to give you a better idea of how to handle the situation. 

As I've been under a bit of emotional strain really.

The tipping point being a situation with a friend that I've found myself in....that I recognize isn't a good situation to be in.
And I know that I should be taken measures to protect myself from a) manipulation b) emotional strain and c)...idk...just keeping myself safe.

But it's one thing to read about this sort of situation.
Or hear of it from another.

It's another thing to be the one directly involved.

Especially when you're the type of person where you want to help out and do what you can be ease another's pain, lift their burdens, make their lives a little bit brighter.

I know I'm not in a healthy enough emotional/mental state myself to be able to handle another person's drama.
Especially if they won't give me details on exactly what the issue is.
And especially because I have no way to prepare or plan for how long this problem with this friend...will be a problem.
It could be a day. It could be months or years.

It's hard. And I can't deal with that sort of emotional strain currently.

So I sought help.
From friends and family who have experience with this sort of situation. To tell them about the situation. To confirm or deny my concerns/fears/worries. And to give advice on what to do and what would be best to do.

And it helped.
Helped to have someone listen and help me out.

To tell me that it's okay for me to focus on my own Mental/Emotional health first. As I can't be the only source to make someone else happy. 
It's hard. Because I'm naturally an empathetic soul.

But it's helped a lot.
Helped to clarify.
To put things in perspective. 

So hopefully....I can better handle the situation as it happens.

I'm grateful to have people to turn to for advice. 
To help me out when I'm in need.
And just...yah.

Give me some perspective. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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