Monday, October 12, 2020

A Change Up

You know....I've been aware for a while that managers have to change their passwords for things pretty often.

As it's not uncommon to hear one of the other managers go "Oh I need to change my password can you take over?" etc. 

Which I get.

Managers have a lot of control over a lot of aspects of the store. And it's a good idea to not have the same password stay...well the same. There's too much of a chance of someone else seeing it or learning it and then using it to their advantage.

So I get the need to change your password.

But associates....don't have the same issue. 

Like yes there is one password that i feel like I have to change once or twice a year.

But the password I use to like...access the registers? Not so much.

And while I was expecting to have to change my password when I became a manager...

It was still kinda...heartbreaking when I actually had to do it.

As the four digit code I used to log into the register so that I could check people out....

I've had that code for Eight. Years.

So I've grown rather partial to it.

And today...for the first time.

I had to change it.

And it's thrown me off so bad lol.

Having to type in a different sequence of's so weird after eight years of typing the same pattern.

Like it's so weird that I couldn't quite remember my ID number either.

...I mean I also had a migraine today sooo that didn't help much with brain power.

but like the whole sequence of my fingers was thrown off today with that new password.


It's gonna take some getting used to.

And odds are that by the time I get used to the new sequence I need to put in....I'll end up having to change my password again and start the whole problem all over lol.

Hopefully I don't have to change it every month....honestly I probably should ask my other managers because if it is monthly I need to get to thinking of new codes to use quick. XD lol.

The joys of being a manager I suppose. ;) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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