Friday, October 9, 2020


Sometimes people do the dumbest things.

So, I was talking to my other managers in the office, when one of the new bathers came up to us to tell us that one of the stalls in the girl's bathroom was out of Toilet Paper.

Since I was free, I went to fill up the stall again, and as I was entering the bathroom, encountered a woman coming out of the second stall who proceeded to tell me that they realized there was TP in the first stall, they just hadn't seen it yet.

-As the TP hadn't been placed in the dispenser, but had just been left out. 

But they also proceeded to tell me that the second stall was out of seat covers before they left.

I didn't think much of it.

Made sure that there was TP in the first stall that was properly installed in the dispenser.

And then happened to glance at the door of the stall.

There in Permanent Black Marker was written the words NO TP! right on the stall door.

>_< Like...seriously?! 

Who in their right mind would ever think it would be a good idea to vandalize the stall door with marker?

Like yes, we ran out of TP but there was no need to mark out the stall especially if you told someone else before that TP was out.

And like...where did the black marker even come from?

I mean I'm pretty certain it was the customer I encountered in the bathroom who vandalized the stall door as most other people go find an associate to inform them of the problem. 


It's just another problem we have to deal with now as I tried to clean off the words by using soap and water, by writing over the words with dry erase marker and then with wet erase marker and then using hand sanitizer -as there's some alcohol in it- to try and get rid of it.

All with no success.

We got the words to fade a little...but not to go away completely. 

Just like....why?

What was the point of that?

I don't get it.

I honestly don't get it.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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