Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Shift in Routine

It's annoying how my body doesn't like to adjust to change.

Which considering how often I've had to switch my work schedule around this past year....

It gets annoying to have to readjust to a new routine. Because it feels like every time I switch to a new schedule, I end up getting a slight illness in the process. 

Like a sore throat, or tight chest, or just aches.

And in this year of the virus. Any sort of illness always comes with the paranoia of wondering if this is the moment when I finally get it. 

Yet I'm pretty sure it's just a stress response to the change.

To having to get used to a new routine and a new schedule.

So considering that my routine at work has once again changed with me becoming a manager. I'm not surprised to be feeling slightly off kilter. 

Because I haven't yet had time to get used to my new routine. And probably won't get used to it for another week or so. *exhales* 

So yah. This is gonna be fun.

The most I can do is try and rest and drink lots of liquids and make sure I'm eating.

But we'll see how it all goes.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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