Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Tonight was my first night being the only closing manager in the store. 

Which was extremely nerve-wracking to be left in charge when I've only officially been a manager for like...a week. And have only closed the store twice with other managers.

It's scary.

Like if I had it my way I would be closing with other managers for at least a month before being left alone.

Not so. 

And I was trying to not freak out about it.

But yah I was totally freaking out about it.

Like with my creative imagination I could picture all too clearly how things could go extremely wrong. 

I knew the chances something would go wrong are more slim. But you know...over active imagination.


It didn't help that today was one of those Tuesdays where people decided that they needed to come into the store so it was busier than normal. Busy enough that it took petcare until dark to get the bedding change done. :/ 

Which was hard. Because like as the closing manager I have to be available to help out everywhere in the store. So I can't get bogged down doing a task even though I'm well aware that I can get the bedding change done much faster because I have more experience.

It was a bit of a juggling act for sure trying to help petcare get things done while also helping out at the register and the phone and the salon etc. 

Thankfully...beyond a customer showing up for a nonexistant training class that I couldn't find paperwork for...nothing majorly went wrong. 

It was just a busy night with customers coming in that I ended up on register more often than not. 

But overall. Closing went well.

I even managed to get everyone out of the store on time. So woot! lol I consider that a win as I'm well aware that sometimes closing takes longer depending on how busy we are and we don't always get out on time.

So yay for getting out on time. 

*fingers crossed* that future closing shifts will continue to go well. :S

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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