Saturday, October 24, 2020

Voicemail Box is Full

You know that moment when you're like "I bet this is why this hasn't happened yet."and it turns out that the reason why it hasn't happened yet is exactly the reason why you thought it hadn't happened?

Yah. I had that.

In the fact that I've been a manager for like...two weeks now? And I still hadn't received a 'security code' that would allow me to enter and exit the building without triggering an alarm. 

I'd been told from the very beginning that I was supposed to get a call from the company to be given my code.

But time kept passing...and passing...and days and a week went by...and I hadn't heard anything from them.

Which is semi difficult because like I knew it would be a call from a number i didn't recognize. But with all the spam and election related calls my phone has been getting....I haven't been picking up any phone calls from numbers I don't know.

Which was fine in this situation because the company would just leave me a voicemail to call them back.

Only....I hadn't yet received a voicemail from the company.

And I had the errant thought pass my mind that maybe somehow my voicemail box was full? 

Though I would have received a notification if that was the case right? Right.

Mostly right lol.

My phone decided to do an update...and after the update I got a notification voicemail box was full. 


^^;; So I quickly deleted some older voicemails.

And when I got to work my head manager was like "Oh hey I got an email today stating that the company tried to call you but your voicemail box was full." 



Lol luckily they had left a number for me to contact the company in said email. So I was able to give them a call and finally get my code needed so I wouldn't have to rely on other managers to access the building anymore.

But yah. Oops on my part.

Though to be's not something I tend to think about....heh.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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