Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Scents of Memory

I've been watching a few Ghost related shows recently.
I've already mentioned Ghost Adventures :D
lol but today there was a marathon on for Ghost Hunters as well...
I like the former more then the later. More happens in the former.
But in one of those shows...they mentioned that ghosts, when trying to make their presence known sometimes use scents to do that because smells can trigger memories.

Well...I've actually been thinking about smells for the past week or so.
Not because ghosts are around.
But because they've been triggering memories.
For example yesterday...I went out to KFC with friends for a....Linner I suppose.
I got crispy strips, a biscuit, and a half of a corn cob.
And for some reason when I unwrapped the tinfoil from the corn....
And smelt its corn smell.
Memories of when my family would go to Antelope Island on Sundays bringing along our KFC meals to enjoy the Salt Lake, and the beach, and the rocks, and the hiking...everything....came to me.
I could smell the salt air and almost feel the breeze from that windy island.
It was weird.
Considering that recently our KFC eats have mostly been focused around the Golf Course Fireworks and not Antelope Island.
But I enjoyed the memory. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My green car had ended up somehow parked at my jr high/ church building....on the staircase outside..somehow fitting between the railings. I was trying to figure out how to get my car out of there....and ended up picking up the red jeep like it weighed like nothing and moving it back to the road. I turned and there for me...I had won this...van/suburban Nissan? type car. It was bright red and it could fit three people in the front seat -A Mom, Dad, and a toddler girl with blonde hair. And in the back seat it could fit five people in the same row. Me and four others. I sat on the end seat behind the passenger chair. We were driving along...leaving something...going to something...

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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