Sunday, May 6, 2012

When Wards Combine

Since school has gotten out, I've been staying up pretty late.
Okay...I was staying up pretty late the two weeks left of school as well...
I just got to sleep in later the past week or two. :P lol.
Anywho, whatever the case, it's been a while since I've had to get up before 10.
I will occasionally wake up before 10 naturally.
But needing to wake up 'early'
as in like before 9....
I haven't needed to do that.
Until today.
Well...last time I was at church -last week- that ward started at 1pm.
Because I was home, and I went to a singles ward there. :P
But this week....I was back in the college singles ward.
And church...starts ta 9:30.
*sighs* I was hoping that our ward, when it combined, would go to the other wards time. I think it was at 1pm as well.
Nope. They went to our time. So 9:30 it was.
Well...I set my alarms, for the first time in forever.
And well....
my alarm clock...heh I set the time for pm by accident instead of am...
it was nearly 3am. I wasn't thinking too clearly I suppose lol.
So my alarm clock didn't go off.
And I didn't hear my cellphone alarm which went off fifteen minutes later.
I was super tired :P lol after all it was only like five hours of sleep.
Well Kikay woke me up at 9:15 by asking:
Are you going to church today?
Yah... yah I am.
So 7ish minutes later I was dressed and ready to go.
:) Yay for still getting to church on time.
And after the first hour, my roommate Ti came up to us.
-I was so tired that it was only after I sat down in the pews that I realized...Ti left before Kikay and I...we should have sat by her.
lol apparently we sat right in front of her. I didn't realize.
Anywho afterwards.. she and Kikay complimented me...
on how I could get dressed so fast and still look good.
O.o I hadn't thought I looked that great having gotten dressed in like 7minutes.
lol. But it was a confidence booster to have others think that I looked great after hurrying to get dressed lol.
I figured I didn't look that great because I still had that "i just got up' sleepy look.
Apparently Kikay and Ti are jealous that I can get dressed and look good so quickly.
Because it takes them longer to get ready.
To each their own speed I suppose lol :)

I was distracted soon after a *blink blink was this supposed to be awkward?* moment.
Well in the middle of the first hour...
I realized.
Hey. Our wards are combined for the summer.
Combined...with my old bf's ward.
-He lives a couple of floors above me, but I haven't seen him in months.
And now....he's engaged.
I did a quick glance around but didn't see him, or his fiancee.
But soon after that conversation with Ti and Kikay, I headed to our next block. I paused to chat with a couple of LDSSA members. (One might be moving in to my complex!! :D I hope he's in my ward lol.)
There he was suddenly. Passing right in front of me with his fiancee in tow.
It was like *blink* there he is *blink* and now he's gone.
I barely recognized that it was him before the two of them were halfway down the hallway.
I wonder...if he did that on purpose. Walking right in front of me like that.
Idk..I'm not sure if he would recognize me. I had straightened my hair...but I don't know if that was enough for him to not recognize me. Anyway, I wonder if he did do it on purpose to say "Hey look, I moved on and I'm engaged!"
:P lol. I've moved on too...not engaged though. Still I wonder if walking right in front of me was deliberate. the end of the third hour...he did it again. Walking right in front of me with the fiancee in tow.
hmmm Idk. It was a surprise to see him after so long.
And I had no idea what to say to him.
"Congrats on getting engaged?" I'm not sure if that would come or snide...when I'm trying to be sincere. After all...we broke up almost a year ago...
*shrugs* I really don't know...
Perhaps I'll say hi next time I'm in church lol.
I wonder how awkward that conversation will be....if it happens.

Speaking of potentially awkward.
Brother R pulled me aside during church...or well he came up to me in the hallway as we were waiting to switch rooms with another ward.
And said that I had a certificate waiting for me in the Bishop's office.
A certificate? For what? I haven't filled out any paper work....nothing to get a certificate.
Though I figured it was Institute related...since that's about the only reason why certificates show up at the bishop's place.
And after a loooonnggg wait after church. I got the certificate.
Or should I say certificates.
Two certificates of advanced achievement passed graduation.
From the institute.
You see I already graduated from institute...a year...two years? ago.
So these certificates basically say
"congrats for over achieving!"
and then
"Congrats for over achieving twice over!"
The bishop said that he was going to wait until next week to give these out in front of everyone.
But he gave me my two anyway saying that he'll still mention me in church.
I almost said for him to keep them until next week...
I took them home instead.
And I'm still on the fence about it.
I like being in the limelight.
But with two certificates...I think I'll be happy to stay out of it lol.
It's halfway embarrassing enough to have to get up in front of everyone for one.
but for two...yah...
I'm happy to just take them home without any fanfare. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was some sort of invasion or war going on. I had left a building and was going to take a bus or train home, but there were blockades and fires and people searching...I think they were searching for me. So I had to be careful with what bus I took and kept my head down until I reached a school/house place. And in there...I was basically running for my life. They were coming. They were killing everyone they found. So I was dashing around up and down stairs, in and out of rooms searching for a place to hide so they wouldn't kill me. I ended up...behind a couch underneath a small table with a blanket covering me. Basically praying that they wouldn't find me. An individual found me. They were dressed in black. And as they picked up the blanket...a scent coming off the blanket caught their attention. It was like the Imperio spell as it was shown in Harry Potter. The scent distracted them as they smelled it holding the blanket -cloak- close to them in so much that they didn't see me and moved on.
It seemed like everything reset again. And once more I was trying to find another hiding spot.
I went into a store...a shopko? Target? And I saw one of my cousins Che working as a cashier. I thought she worked at B&R still. But I was interested. She had a job. So I was asking her questions about that job and how I could get one, when Shane Gibbs came up to me and asked me for help on his anatomy homework. I was surprised, but willing to help. He was working on the digestive system and there was a term called the Chlea that he couldn't find anywhere, and since I'd already taken anatomy, I would know the answer. And I did. I told him that the Chlea was the name of the valleys in the folds of the stomach. He didn't seem positive that that was the right answer though. So I told him I would google it. I pulled out my Ipod touch and I was googling a Chlea when....
I was at a school/house party function. Playing music. doing something with a group of people. My group were...not popular. They were the geeks and lonelies and such. Not the popular kids at all. But something I did caught one of their attention. They wanted me to come back and be in their group. One of my friends told me to wait. an the first five people sitting on a food from a burger place that the popular guy had played for. Only the friend sitting on the other side of me had miscounted. They hadn't thought that the guy with the baby in his arms counted as two people. So they ended up not getting any of the food, but I shared my chicken sandwich and fries with them as well. as we waited to see what the guy wanted me to do.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Editor's Note: Upon waking I did search for what a Chlea actually meant. a girl's name.
But Chela is a pincerlike organ terminating certain limbs of some arthropods like a crab.
Cool! It was an anatomy term! :) lol.

Chela can also come from Hindi (cela) from Sanskrit (ceta), meaning "slave" or "servant". In English, the word means a religious student or disciple. The other derivation comes from Greek (chele) and Latin (chela), meaning "claw", now specifically that of an arthropod.
(words copied from Wikipedia)  :D

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