Saturday, May 5, 2012

Distance is my Enemy

.....You know....
I hate distance.
It's the worst enemy for group gatherings.
and once has been my enemy, literally and figuratively.

This situation reminds me....of back in December of 2010.
When I wrote a post titled "The Supplicant."
It was brought recently to mind...due to one of you readers looking at in the past couple of days.
I feel like it's almost the same situation.

What happened? see. I graduated last week.
And to celebrate I decided to hold a party.
I figured...well everyone likes Harry Potter.
So I thought. Why not hold a Harry Potter marathon?
We could watch all 8 movies! :D

The question was when.
I decided...not to do an all day marathon. Because we'd be watching movies from 5am to like midnight.
And I figured...well if I did at least one everyday....
Then more people would be able to come!
Out of like 50 someodd people I invited....
Only three people came.
One came everyday. Two came at least once.
And my roommates joined me when they were home.

It...was a bit disappointing.
Okay it was really disappointing.
The disappointing where...
The self confidence wanes and the lonelyness increases.
The thought I actually have any friends?

And the other thought also comes to me.....I guess....the party isn't that important to them.
Who wants to celebrate somebody else's graduation after all.
Who wants to come to a movie every single night...or two a couple of nights?

I was hoping to have a good group of people come.
So we could chat, make fun of the movies, play games, goof off...and bond some more. seemed like an awkward date setting.
Because most of the was only two or three of us.
The most I had was six...and three of them were my roommates.

I had hoped for a party.....
And seeing the results for this...'party....'
doesn't make me anxious to do another one.

So returning to the supplicant...
I mostly connect with the disappointment, the loneliness of that post.
and what I need to try and make it more to their events and parties.
So that they see me there....and hopefully that would make them more likely to come to my events.
I guess we'll see what happens....
but for now...I don't think I'm going to do another event....I had planned on it...
yet for now....those plans are on hold.

Especially....if distance continues to be the main enemy.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a rendezvous tent, I think helping to pack it up. When this tall guy...six feet something tall and pretty wide with reddish hair and a round face came up to me. He was interested in me, that was apparent. But the way he spoke to me, and tried to be around me...was just creepy. I didn't like him hanging around me that much...
I was on my way to my anatomy class, headed down the hallway of my elementary school first floor. I passed by a common area, that looked like it was from my high school, and on the way to class...I had like five minutes to get there. But I passed by a kitchen area and the girl there...I recognized her. She was selling snicker doodle and m&m cookies. And she was trying to convince someone to buy them. They came in two sizes small and bigger. each one costing 35cents or 55cents. I debated for a bit on which to buy. I was trying to buy the cheaper set...but they were out of them, so I ended up buying a couple of snicker doodle cookies for $1 and I got 10 cents back in return (not sure how that worked out...) but I dashed to class, realizing that I was basically late, but when I entered into the classroom, Dr. Shively was sitting at his desk, not doing anything, so I figured he hadn't started yet. So I went around the corner of the partition so he wouldn't see me, and I went to take out my anatomy homework, but I couldn't see it right away. I knew it was right there...but I couldn't see it so I put down the cookies and was about to start digging through my backpack when Dr. Shively came up to our table and held out his hand expecting my homework. Apparently he'd already collected it. I told him I had it, I was just searching for it. He basically shook his head at me, thinking that I hadn't yet done it and I was trying to finish it. But I had...
But then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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