Sunday, May 20, 2012

Eclipse of the Sun

A quiet calm seemed to pass through us as we stared towards the west.
West to the setting sun.
West to where the new moon, was passing over the sun.

Yes. I was watching an Eclipse today :D
And it was...different then I expected :)

Because...I was expecting to see this:
And I did see my brother's camcorder.
It looked a little like this:

But with my own camera on my Ipod.
I saw this when I put the glasses over the camera

lol if you look really close at it, you can see a black dot in the center of the 'sun'
That's the best one I got.
Haha :D
Ah, Cameras....they just can't replace our eyes.
Cus I mean...It was awesome!
Black in the middle!
and a golden ring around it!

No dice on my camera. :) Others got better pictures.

And I was surprised at the Eclipse.
I expected the sky to go all dark, to have the sun 'go out' to be able to just see a ring around the sun.
It did get darker.
Yet, when I snapped an 'unprotected' picture of the sun...I got this:

Yah....Not like the first couple of pictures at all lol :)
The sun was just as bright....
Well I mean it felt like the sun was setting a bit earlier.
But you can't even tell there is a moon blocking out
Nope. Not at all.
It was amazing. Most of the sun blocked out.
And yet there was so much light.
How cool is our sun!
Very Very Very cool!

lol I just wish I got a better 'eclipse' picture myself.
Still...I discovered....that when I point the camera at the sun just right.
I got this:

You see the blue dot near the top right corner?
That's the Eclipse!!
In a reflectatory I don't quite understand how I got that type of picture fashion :)
You see the main sun. That's what the camera saw.
But the blue dot...that's also what the camera saw.
It's blue.
And tiny.
But it's basically what I was seeing through my glasses...except I was staring at the sun...and not seeing a blue dot. haha :)
So I did take a picture of the eclipse!
Just in a secondary manner lol :)
All in all.
The whole thing was super cool!! ^^
I'm glad my family and I were able to go down south to see it :)
It was such a calm and peaceful experience.
It seemed like the world had four minutes of silence while the moon covered the majority of the sun.
And slowly stirred to wakefulness again as the moon began to leave the sun.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had been doing something else before this point in my dream...involving people, running around...trying to get things done...
but then my family and I were on the road, driving...yadda yadda, it was dark and I glanced at the clock and it said 10:04pm
I blinked. Checked again.
Nope it was right.
Then my mom was like ()_()
And we were all like:
?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?! WHA?!!?!?!?! NO!!!
How could we have missed this?!!?
All I remember was that we were sitting down for dinner at Sizzler.....
and now we were driving.
What did we do in between dinner and sizzler that made us forget the Eclipse!
That was the whole reason why we drove down.
And it was too late >.<
Mom vaguely remembered glancing outside to the sun thinking that it would be starting soon....
but we missed it!
Now we were driving through darkness in redrock area with all it's red sandstone tower people....
And my dad was....soo disappointed. It was heartbreaking.
He'd been looking forward to this. It had been on his bucket list.
And he'd missed it.
I wanted to make him happy, so I got out my laptop and started googling when the next eclipse was....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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