Thursday, September 17, 2020


So for the past forever, the company that sends us our shipments of crickets to sell to customers has been shorting us.

Like it used to be that the Large Crickets would be pretty accurate. If you received in a box of 1500 you would have around 1500 crickets in said box.

The Smalls? Meh, they've almost always been an issue, though usually it would only be like 100-300 short.

But for the past bit they've been barely sending us any crickets.

Like maybe 2/3rds of the shipment would be missing.

Which when we have a ton of customers coming in for crickets to feed to their reptiles...we kinda need to have the amount of crickets that we ordered. Not just a third of it.

Seriously like today I got in a box of small crickets and the invoice said there should have been 2000 in the box.

After counting them...there was like 700.

That's not good. Like 700 does seem like a lot. Until you get 14 customers in a row who want 50 crickets and then guess what? Yep. you're out of crickets.

It's been frustrating.

And honestly it doesn't help that apparently one of the major cricket colonies collapsed sending a shortage of crickets throughout the state if not the nation. :S 

So we've been trying to be understanding and grateful that at least there are some crickets in the box when they come in. Some are better than receiving none. 

In any case.

Today it looked like the company was trying something different with sending their large crickets to us.

As usually if they send us 1500 crickets, they just put 'all' of them into one box and call it good.

Usually if there's supposed to be 1500 crickets in the box...there's actually only around 500-700  of them when I count them.


This time instead of sending me one box of 1500 large.

They send 3 boxes of 500 large.

I was skeptical that that would change anything.

But change something it did.

As each and every box had at least 500 large crickets within it.


Shock. lol.

It's been forever since I've received my full expected shipment in the box.

But today it happened.

I got in all my large crickets! Woot!

...Of course they still shorted us on the small crickets.
...And forgot to send us all the worms -hornworms,mealworms,waxworms,redwigglers,nightcrawlers etc that they were supposed to send us.

But hey. At least I got my entire shipment of 1500 large crickets in lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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