Friday, September 18, 2020

Gas Trip

I'm not one for crowds. Or for lines. Or for waiting most of the time.

Like I can tolerate it. Especially if I have to be at the place and can't be there at a different time. 

And usually at the end of my work shift...I have very little energy to deal with more people. Either interacting with them or being around them.

So often times, if the thing I need to do is not time sensitive. I'll wait for a time when things are more quiet. Where the lines are non-existant or very small. 

Hence why I don't buy fish as often as I want to buy them. XD lol. As I've been getting off work at the same time customers decide they need to come in all together and check out all at the same time.

Yesterday wasn't like that.

As I was needing to get gas rather than buy something at work after work. 

And usually the gas station I go by is pretty dead. Not a lot of people there.

But there are times when I drive by and it's the most crowded place. was crowded with at least half of it's gas stall/station things filled with cars and more cars parked in front of the convenience store. 

And I was tired having just completed a work shift.

So I forwent getting gas yesterday.

Knowing I would need to get gas today.

Because I'm near empty and while I may be able to make it back and forth between work tomorrow...I didn't want to risk it.'s hard to want to leave the house when you don't have to leave the house to go anywhere.

I could have easily waited for tomorrow and tried to leave the house before work early enough to fill up my car.

But I do enjoy my sleep.

So. Towards sunset today, I made the quick ten minute jaunt down to the gas station -which unfortunately still had a bunch of cars--but thankfully had an easy slot to pull into so I didn't have to circle around to get a spot. 

It was a quick thing.

A simple thing.

Something I could have easily done yesterday...and didn't.

But hey.

At least it got me out of the house today lol. And I don't have to worry about grabbing gas tomorrow. So woot!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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