Sunday, September 6, 2020

Evening Companions

It's been rather nice, being able to sit outside.

I mean, it's not nice right now mostly because we've had smoke from various fires in the state and from out of state hanging around in the valley.

So it's not the best of ideas to be outside for long periods in such bad air.

But when the sun isn't looking like the red omen of doom and the weather is still mostly's been nice.

So nice to just sit outside in the evening as the sun is setting and listen to the birds and watching people walk by and of course, taking pictures of the I do that...for Instagram ad such.

But it's just nice to take a moment to be outside.

To chill.

And get away from it all for a bit.

Even if I'm not that far away from people at all.

But one of the things I've noticed is that usually when I go hang out outside.

I have some company.

Anywhere between 2-6 little finch/sparrow type birds hang out in the branches of the dead tree right by the deck.

And it's kinda nice.

Kinda feels like an evening greeting with guardian spirits or something.

Like "Oh hey yes, we're checking in on you, everything good? Good. Well by now!"

Like the birds don't hang around for too long like maybe 10-15 minutes? Before flying off to go hang out elsewhere for the night.

But it's just kinda cool to have that consistent occurrence happen.

It's comforting in a way.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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