Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Pet Hunting

So I was randomly contacted today by an individual in my ward, stating that they'd been told I worked with animals and that they'd been thinking of getting an emotional support animal and wanted to know if I could meet up with them in order to talk about a potential pet they could get.

As the animal they were wanting was one that their landlord didn't really approve of having in their living place without some super strict strict strict rules that would make the pet no better than a toy on a shelf.

So I said I could help give some other suggestions.

And after a bit of back and forth, we decided it would be best to meet up in person after we both got off work --outside where we could still socially distance-- and talk about potential animals there.

Which I had suggested that the person come to my work and I could just show them the animals...

But at the same time it was probably better to just talk after work so they could ask as many questions as they wanted and I wouldn't have to worry about other potential customers or there being a rush happening as the person was trying to get some info on other pets to get.

So we met up.

Had a brief conversation. I told them about a few various pets and what they required.

Lol I was even prepared and brought a few of our care guides from work that give a general overview of the animal's needs/habitat/personality etc.

I chose ones that I thought could work well as like an ESA.

Like Guinea Pig, Snakes, Bearded Dragon, Hermit Crab, Parakeet, Rabbit, Betta.

Just giving a variety of options because I wasn't sure what 'type' of pet the person was looking to get.

If they wanted one to watch, or made noise, or something to cuddle with. 

So yah.

It was a different experience. 

Totally get the need for an ESA though at this time. 

Since many people are working at home by themselves, I can see how people would want a pet to keep them company and keep them from feeling as lonely.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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