Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An Attempt to Abscond

Something is up.
I think my bracelets are tired of being MY bracelets.

What happened?
Well...there I was...minding my own business when I randomly reached down to play with my bracelet I had on today and...
It wasn't there.

Automatically I thought that the doppelganger struck again!
I didn't know why it needed another one of my bracelets....but apparently it did.
Soo determined to get it back within the ten minute period I had lost it in.
I went a searching.
And didn't find it in between that one place and the place I had currently been in.
So I got out my phone to send out the sad sad news
That another bracelet had jumped ship and left me.

When I glanced down...
at my left wrist.
The one where I wear my watch and hair ties on.
-bracelets are for the right wrist.
And much to my surprise.
There it was!
On my LEFT wrist.

and I have no idea how it got there.
-And I didn't notice it there right away because I'm used to having jangly things on that wrist..I wouldn't immediately notice (obviously cus I didn't) that it was there.

>.> apparently I'm going to have to keep an eye on this bracelet.
For it seems to have done a practice run of absconding from my wrist.
Or perhaps it tried to escape...but chickened out and just ended up on my left wrist instead.

I'm on to you bracelet. Don't think you can try that sort of thing again!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We were in a cabin...on a mountain top...or in a valley near the mountain top.
And it had been snowing so much...
That we were basically locked into the cabin...or snowed in.
At times it seemed more like a cave then a cabin.
But we had to begin rationing our food to make sure that we would survive.
Others didn't like this, and tried to get around it.
And others were chipping at the foundation making the house unstable.

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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