Saturday, November 26, 2011

Spoons of Evil

You know...
It's very hard to type when one of your fingers gets injured in such a way that the pressing of a keyboard key is painful.
It throws off the typing groove, for the other fingers surrounding the injured finger have to take up the slack pressing the letters that the injured finger usually presses.
At least it wasn't my pointer finger that got injured.
Those fingers press more keys then other others...besides the pinky, that one does alot of work too.
Its even harder to do stuff, when the finger injured is on your dominate my case the left hand. Because that hand does a whole lot of stuff.

So what did I do to injure my hand?
Last night I went and hung out with friends....where we played games.
One game was called Spoons.

To play spoons you need people, a deck of cards, and less then the people you have playing.
You deal out four cards to each person and have the spoons in the middle of the circle.
Then the person who dealt picks up a card from the remaining deck and if they don't want the card they pass it on to the next person who either keeps it and puts down another card, or passes on the first card on to the next person.
The goal: To get four of the same number as in: 4 Kings, 4 tens, 4 aces.
When a person gets four of the same number then they take a spoon.
Then its a race for everyone else to pick up a spoon.
The person left spoonless "looses the game"
It can be played where the person is automatically out.
Or where you have to spell out SPOONS first before you're out.
So if I lost the first time I would get an S. Then the next time I would get a P so on and so forth until I have S-P-O-O-N-S Then I would be out.
Yah...I hadn't really played this game since Girls Camp.
Sometimes I would get the spoon, other times I wouldn't.
Needless to say I was losing more then the others. lol.
I think I had spelt out SPOON -though by that time we'd forgotten who had which letters and were just enjoying the game.
Well the last time.
I went to grab for a spoon like normal....only it didn't end like normal.
I don't know what happened.
I just suddenly felt the sharp upward tug of my fingernail and the pain of having my nail jerked roughly upwards.
-Others might equate it to slipping on the steps an catching the big toenail on the edge jerking it upward.
There are a few things that might have happened.
a. One of the spoons some how got caught underneath my nail as it was pulled away.
b. Another fingernail might have caught on mine.
c. the crack in the table might have caught it.
In either case...I was and still am in pain.
Whatever had happened it did it with enough force to cause me to bleed from underneath the nail.
lol needless to say, we stopped playing spoons after that. finger hurts.
Hurts to straighten it, hurts to put pressure on it...
The bed underneath the nail hurts.
And my poor been whiteified.
So that its no longer pink.
Except a small smidgen right by the cuticle. That's still pink. The rest is white...unless its where blood has either case...its painful.
Though it was rather intriguing...when the blood comes up under the kinda pools up like liquid being poured into a glass.
It makes doing homework and typing rather hard, for my ring finger controls the S, W and X on the keyboard. And while X isn't used alot and W is used less often, S is used alot. So instead of causing myself more pain...for when I accidentally use the ring finger it Kills! middle finger is taking up the slack and doing twice as much work as usual.
I must say, I'm impressed with the middle finger. Its catching on pretty quickly to expanding its domain while my ring finger is incapacitated. And while it will hesitate occasionally when typing, its really quick to catch onto what I need it to do. :)
Yay for smart fingers! ^^ lol.
I only hope that my ring finger recovers from its injury soon, for I have a ton of writing I need to do and its a strain to have to think about pushing s and w and x when I didn't have to before. :)
Needless to say...I have another reason for not liking Spoons.
Apparently they have it out for me because I use forks where spoons should be used.
Spoons are evil. I have proof. They hurt my hand and split blood.
So they now join the list along with ice cream buckets, things with lids that need to be pulled up and ice cream scoops

I'm watching you now.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
I needed to get the last Harry Potter book so that I could reread it because I wanted to reread it.
I had it and opened it up...and it was like I was in the middle of the action as I was reading.
And as I was reading the book I came across scenes that I didn't remember happening.
Which made the action all around me that more flying on a broomstick over an ocean.
However Voldemort was trying to get at me...and I was trying to get away...
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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