Sunday, February 5, 2012

Can They See Them Too?

So I had this random (kinda stupid) thought today while watching the superbowl.
Do the people who watch the the superbowl....get to see the commercials the rest of the nation sees while sitting in front of the television to watch the superbowl?
I'm guessing...the answer is no.
Its just a hunch really...since I've been to a couple of games that were aired on TV.
Not Football. It was Hockey.
...and now that I'm writing this...I can't remember if those Hockey games were televised...
But anyway...
I have to wonder what the people at the game actually do...when nothing is happening?
I actually would think...that the game would go much quicker. Fans at the event would already know who won before the people at home would.
Because we get lots of commercials! Yay!
-My favorite part! :D
I mean...sure there are those time out commercials.... and the injury commercials....
hmmm Maybe it does take the same amount of time almost....
I think the fans there still get a bit of a headstart though on knowing who won.
-Random side note. I saw a thing on the news where there was a monkey...ape....primate...who for four years in a row, has picked the winning team for the super bowl ()_()
So yah...I was paying attention to the football game only enough to see who was winning.
The end result. If I remember correctly...The Primate picked correctly! Yay for being right 5/5 times!
Back on subject now.
So, at the games itself...when these time outs and injury things take place...and there isn't really much happening on the field....What do the fans do?
I was thinking that. "What do the fans do?"
And that's why I asked the question above....can the fans see the commercials that the super bowl is famous for having?
I still think no.
After all, in such a huge stadium, it would be hard to make everything loud enough for everyone to hear it....hence the need for microphones and a bit of quiet when making calls.
Soo no. No commercials for those people.
They probably have other entertaining things to do.
They're the 'real fans' of Football.
The dedicated ones who sit and cheer for hours on end with no funny commercials to tide over the boredom of watching people throw a ball back and forth and tackle each other.
Of course...these people aren't bored. (most of them)
They're there for their team!!
Go! Fight! Win!
They don't care about the commercials!
Poor them. lol
They're missing out on half of the event because of that!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a singing competition going on and Vocal Point was in the running.
But others weren't wanting them to do well.
And there was a rumor going around that someone in the competition was doing drugs.
Well...I came upon Mc taking a pill.
He'd been convinced that it would help him.
I think the guy was under alot of stress.
But the pill didn't agree with him.
He ended up spitting it out.
Though his saliva had turned blue from this little round pill.
We couldn't let anyone know what Mc had almost done.
It would destroy VP's image.
But the VP group came together, planning to sneak out.
Heading down to the bottom of the skyscraper.
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)

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