Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Quick Stop

I can't decide.
Whether or not I should be mad.
Mad that I was late for class this morning.
I hate being late for class.
But some of it was my fault.
Not all of it.
Sometimes White Ninjas just get in the way and things go slowly.

It was a typical start out to a day...a slower day.
Kikay and I had decided to drive to school today since things were going slowly.
I actually had wanted to walk, Kikay wanted to drive. We drove.
So there we were pulling out of apartment parking lot. 15 minutes before class started.
And across the street from us I spotted a girl.
Looking cold.
Because it was cold.
So others tell me....I don't really get cold.
And the poor girl was walking to school in short sleeves.
Even for this winterless winter we're having...that was just begging for a:
Soooo I did the natural thing....well what I'm trying to make a natural thing.
I had Kikay roll down the window Our car doesn't have automatic windows that roll down by themselves.
And ask the girl if she needed a ride.
Yes. She most certainly did!
haha :) She was grateful we gave her a nice warm car to ride in instead of a nice long sidewalk to walk on.
Small world. Kikay actually knew her.
So we pulled away...only I saw a guy in front of us also walking to school.
Well....I had already stopped once. Sooo I stopped again. And offered him a ride.
He gladly accepted too. :D
Was he happy or feeling awkward he was in a car full of girls I wonder....
 So we were off!
And unfortunately they weren't needing to be dropped off where Kikay and I were I made a slight detour...which just involved me turning into a different parking lot first before heading to the parking lot that we needed to go to.
By this time...class was basically going to start in 5 minutes.
Kikay saw this too, and knew that we'd be parking in outerdarkness.
Soo I dropped her off.
And went by my lonesome to park and then...
speedily walk my way to the Institute.
Why is it, that whenever you're in a hurry that's when you see people you know and wish you could stop and talk to them?
I was only 3 minutes late. :S
>.< Still late by clock time.
:D Early by Institute class start time :D
lol Class hadn't officially started yet.
Sooo I was on TIME!! :) Yes! the end.
I'm not really mad.
Since I got to class on time.
I just don't like being made late....when I could have been early.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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