Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thump, Crackle, Slice

Okay....So it's pretty safe to say....
That when I'm not expecting something....I won't see it.
The most common case of this is when I'm walking down a hallway not consciously thinking about anything and I hear somebody say my name a few times.
Oh...a person I know! It's a person I know!
I'm so sorry I didn't see them!

In other less common areas...
If I'm in a certain area/situation....I will not pick up on things from another area/situation.

For example.
I was sitting in an ASL Legal class.
You know, getting into the legal mode.
Getting into the sign mode.
And a friend of mine -M.F.-
Turns to me and underneath the table, so DaBo can't see...
He signs real quick "S V W" on a "closed 5" hand shape.
And he gives me this real conspircital look.
I give him a blank one in return.
He gives me a blank look and does it again.
I couldn't get it.
I didn't recognize the sign, or if it was some legal thing I had never heard of.
That's what I was thinking "What sign is this?" I've never seen it before. :S

Finally M.F. takes pity on me and whispers "I was seeing if you wanted to play Rock Paper Scissors"


He wanted to play a game?!!?
And then I should have been rather obvious.
Somebody looks at you and places their fist on an open hand.
They want to play Rock Paper Scissors.

But due to me being in a Sign Language class.
I totally wasn't thinking of a game.
I was thinking signs.
Legal signs.


That didn't stop me for trying to make up for my "sign moment"
lol Twice when DaBo turned to the board...
M.F. and I would face off.
Rock Paper Scissors! -Tie
Rock Paper Scissors! -Tie
Rock Paper Scissors! -M.F. won.

Then DaBo turned back to us.
So we had to wait.
But once dear DaBo's back was turned.

Rock Paper Scissors! -Tie
Rock Paper Scissors! -Tie
Rock Paper Scissors! -I won!

then we had to stop as Dabo turned back to us.
lol I nearly burst out laughing at that last one.

Playing games behind DaBo's back.
It was thrilling.
like we were doing something we weren't supposed to.

Unfortunately....I don't know who won :(
We only got to play twice.
But perhaps the next time I sit by M.F.

The game shall begin again!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We were in a restaurant of sorts. That was on a pier. It stuck out into the ocean in such a way that it seemed like it was surrounded by water. I was there with a few other friends. To eat and such. And as we were finishing up. and because we were done, the restaurant began to sink.
There was one girl with longer brown hair that looked a little like my roommate Kah, and her boyfriend who looked a little bit like Vocal Point's Jake. She was talking as they were walking around with the water up to their necks. And the boy 'Jake' took the moment and floated out a box to the girl. She turned around and saw it and he proposed to her then and there.
Then it was war! We were having a snowball fight with another group of people, but their snowballs were more dangerous. It was like we were in a war zone! They had grenades and bullets and gun powder that would explode upon contact with anything. While my side...just had snow balls.
I had the same sequence of this snowball fight twice in a row. The first time I couldnt' see where the snowballs were coming from, it was my side fighting the unknown side with our own snowballs. But then the view widened and it was all our family fighting each other.
Not to kill.
It actually was a training exercise. O.o

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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