Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A Downpour

I hate driving in the rain.
I don't know why some people do.
I much prefer snow, because even if I can't see the lines on the road, at least I can see the tire tracks of other cars so I can stay in the lane.

But today?
We had like a micro burst.
Where a ton of water just dumped down upon our heads over the course of the day.

-The storm seemed to ebb and flow getting heavier and lighter.
With thunder and lightning constantly rumbling and flashing throughout the day.

And it's fun to watch.
But drive in?

No. Getting on the freeway the water was so thick that the splash cars were giving off of their tires shot up as high as the vehicle. So if you were driving next to someone. Yah. Your car was getting bombarded with rain from all sides.

And the standing water on the road?
It had to be inches thick to do that.
Because the lines? Completely invisible.

I nearly got hit as a series of cars merged into my lane (I played it safe and stayed in the far right lane) without them signaling at all. They just kinda flowed right on over.

*shakes head*
Plus the windshield wipers were going like a mile and a half a minute back and forth desperately trying to help me see through the storm.

I was soooooo happy when I broke free of that storm as I got off work at the tail end of it and the storm hadn't yet reached my place.

So I only had a few minutes of terror on my drive instead of the entire ride home. 

Note to self: Don't drive on the freeway when the rain is that heavy. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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