Saturday, August 4, 2018

Sale Time

I'm not one for clothes shopping.

Really I'm not.
I like go...maybe once a year it seems like.
-Okay maybe three times a year?

Because I's hard to find clothes that I like that look good on me and are in my price range.

Price range is the big factor.

And for a while now, I've been telling myself that I need new jeans.

Mostly because...I don't I've bought any pants -besides work pants- since like....sometime during college really?

Which was six years ago....

And that's...probably pretty sad if I haven't bought new pants in six years....
So maybe I have sometime in that gap...and just don't remember.

But in any case.
I was in the need of new jeans.
Because all of mine were getting rather the point of holes....and it's hard to feel comfortable in hole jeans really.

But Jeans are more expensive.
So patient little me was waiting for a sale.
A sale on jeans that were actually my style lol.

As I usually choose to go to Old Navy for my jeans....
And they've switched over to mostly carrying skinny jeans.
*shakes head*

Who wants to wear skinny jeans?
I certainly don't.
And all too often their sales on jeans involved just those. 
Skinny jeans.

But today.
I received a notice that all their jeans were 50% off!

And double checking online....
I noticed that this included the few remaining non-skinny jean versions that they have!

And lucky lucky me...
I had a short shift today at work.

So after I clocked out.
I wandered over to the store to see what was there.
What styles and colors....and you know sizes.

Because as is the case with most sales...the smaller sizes tend to go much faster. *exhales* Which is another major reason to dislike shopping. Nothing I like is ever in stock in my size. *shakes head*

Also, since I hadn't been in the store for a few years....
I had no idea if I would still be the same size as I was the last time I came in.

Because like....stores are notorious for randomly changing their sizing standards. So one year you're one size...and the next you're a different....only you haven't changed at all. 

Lucky me. Old Navy Hadn't changed their sizing since my last visit.
So upon choosing my chosen size....they still fit!

Woot! Which made shopping much easier since I now knew what to look for....
But much harder because again....small sizes tend to go faster. *exhales* 

In the end though, after braving the crowds....because apparently this sale is their second most busiest day of the year besides Black Friday O.o (weird) ….

I came home with three new pairs of jeans!! Ha!! :D 
^^;;Yay me lol.

But that wasn't all.
Since I now knew for sure my size and the length of jean I wanted....
I went onto their website and ordered six more pairs of jeans (cus half off!!) in other styles and colors that hadn't been available in the store.

^^;; So in the next week or so.....I'll have a whole new wardrobe of jeans to choose from!! Yay!!

All in all....success feels good lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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