Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Call

So around a month ago.
I had a customer come into the store wanting to return two guinea pigs that her daughters had purchased.

One Guinea Pig looked like it had a possible Ringworm infection. With hairloss and scabbing on the top if it's head.

The other, had a slightly more serious issue, where the front leg was all swollen and such -potentially broken. --The customer claimed we'd sold it to her that way, and she'd waited a couple of days to see if the swelling would go down before coming back to us.

In any case.
She wanted the guinea pigs back once they were better after I assured her we could take them to the vet to get treatment and such.

So I made note of her phone number and name, and told her we'd call her to give her updates and such, but to expect it to take up to a month for everyone to recover. 

In any case.
The first guinea pig was easy to treat with a fungal cream. So mostly it's a matter of getting the scabbing gone and the fur growing back to ensure the guinea pig was recovered.

The other....we ended up taking to the vet.
Where they did X-rays on the leg.
And confirmed it was broken.

But they weren't sure on the route to take because the vet who specializes in surgery wasn't in that day. So they didn't know if it would be something that would recover on it's own, or if it would take a minor surgery, or if they'd have to amputate the leg. In any case, it was doubtful that the guinea pig would ever be 'normal' again. 

So I called the customer back.
To update her on the guinea pig with the broken leg. And to inform her that we needed to hear back from the surgeon first, but there was a high chance that the guinea pig wouldn't ever use the leg again and may have to get it amputated. So I was needing to know if she would still want the guinea pig after we got the results back from the surgeon. 

And she told me that she needed to talk to her daughter first, because it was her guinea pig, and that she'd call us the next day.

She never did.

We tried calling a couple of times after that.

To no response.
-That we're aware of-

We ended up taking the guinea pig into surgery to amputate the leg.

...It ended up dying the night after the the surprise of the vet. They weren't sure why the guinea pig hadn't made it as the surgery had gone well. 

So the manager called the customer, and left a message for her to call us back, so we could tell her the sad news in real time, and not leave it as a message for her to find on her phone later.

No response.

Which left me a bit tense, because if she did want the guinea pig back, how were we supposed to tell her it hadn't made it if she never answered the phone?

Then today.
We deemed the other guinea pig the customer had returned healthy. So it could go home. 

So I called.
Not expecting her to pick up.

She did.

So I was like "Hey! Your guinea pig that had the hairloss on  it's head is healthy again and ready for you to come get."

And the woman was like "....."

"...Were you wanting the guinea pig back?" Was what I asked next.

She was like "Well you's my daughter's guinea pig...and she's already spent her money on another one." 

"So you don't want this one?" 

"...No, we'll pass."

That's all you had to say. *shakes head*
So I was like "Alright! We'll make a note on that and won't call again! Have a great day." 

:S :S :S Hopefully it came across nice....

In any case.
She didn't ask after the other guinea pig....which is good because I didn't want to explain it hadn't made it. But considering she didn't want the's doubtful she would have wanted the other.


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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