Thursday, August 30, 2018

Farewell HM

I'm not a fan of sudden change.
Give me a heads up.
Like a week's notice? Yah. Totally good with it all because I have time to wrap my head around the concept and prepare mentally for said change.

But if it's just thrown at me? Ha.
Yah, I don't react well to it most of the time. *exhales* 
I probably should get better at that....but like...I just like my constants you know? 

In any case.

What was it...Monday? Of this week,
As I was walking out of the store, my Dept Manager was like "Hey, Sarnic! I'll walk out with you." 
Which. O.o Uhoh. 
Though I hadn't really thought much of it, figuring he just had to ask me a question that he didn't want others -specifically customers to hear-

I was partially right.
He did have something to tell me.
That he didn't want all the coworkers overhearing.

The news?

My Head Manager was leaving. 
End of the Week. 
Today really. 

Maybe tomorrow? But since I don't work last day with my Head Manager....was today. 

It's so weird.

I mean, I should expect it.
It's retail.
Nobody sticks around.

And it's always....hard. *exhales*
Like I said earlier. I don't like change.
I like my consistencies. 

Which is funny because Retail is anything but consistent.
At least when it comes to my coworkers.

It's a never ending merry go around that I really should be used to by now.
But it's not.

Because most often people just....disappear.
One day they're there.
The next they're not.

And then I hear they've quit. 

Managers it can often be more unexpected.
They like to keep that sort of thing hush hush.

I've come into work before to find a new manager in place of an old one because they suddenly decided to transfer. *shakes head* 

And it's...more common than not to switch between managers. They come and go so quickly it feels like.
I Department Manager has least 7 or 8 times? Last year I went through like 4 managers in one year. *exhales* 
Other managers have switched nearly as often.

But the Head Manager?
He's been the most consistent.
He was my fourth Head Manager.

And has been the Head Manager for the past 3 years. longer than any of my other managers have stuck around. *shakes head* 
I feel like most of them have lasted a year, maybe two....

I know I've been at the store longer than all my managers.
Longer at the store than all my coworkers but two groomers. 

So it was have a Head Manager stick around for 3 years.
It provided a consistency.

And now....
I have to readjust.
Like. They're just a certain flow that you get into at work when you know there are certain people working and such. 

And now....there's a void.

I don't know when we're going to get a new HM.
It could be could be a couple of months from now.
I know the last time our HM left there seemed to be a void of a month or two....

Who knows if it's going to be someone within the store moving up...or if it will be someone from a different store (very likely) or someone from outside the system....

But it will mean a period of adjustment.
Getting used to the new HM's quirks and manners and their expectations for the store. 

Should be interesting.

I'm not looking forward to it though.
I mean, we just were introduced to our new District Leader today. So to have our HM leave on top of that....

I don't know.
Guess we'll see how it all turns out. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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