Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Saving the Lobster

So a little over a month ago, we replaced our fridge because the old one was...well old. 

And so far the new fridge has been working out great!
Except today...when the freezer drawer ate one of our magnets.

I have no idea how it happened, but apparently while the roomies were trying to figure out what to eat...they'd pulled open the freezer and I guess....bumped one of the magnets on our fridge -in the shape of a lobster, and it fell down and managed to slip in this narrow crack between the drawer holding the frozen food and the main freezer itself. 

Which no big deal. Just remove the drawer.
Only it's not removable. 

A problem yes.
It upset Kikay a bit because like...she liked that particular magnet and now it was permanently stuck in this tiny crack in the freezer drawer. 

I set to work to see if I could free this lobster shaped magnet from it's little prison.

My hands, while small, were still too big to shove down the gap.
So after some searching around the kitchen, I grabbed a thin butter knife as the ones we have are just like a shaped piece of metal really. Narrow and thin enough to slip into the gap.
And while I could reach the magnet....I couldn't get it to slide up the side because of course there was like a screw in the way on one side and a lip in the way on the other to prevent easy access. *rolls eyes*

But then!
I discovered a side hole underneath the drawer where I could access the same crack that the magnet was stuck in! Ha! 
So I slid the knife in there. But dice. It wasn't working.

So maybe I needed to find a way to push the magnet up off the bottom enough that I could reach in from above with a tool that would grab it. 

Searching about I found some thin metal scissors and some tweezers.
And the scissors were thin enough to be able to slip underneath the magnet and lift it upwards.

But then.
Just as I was about to have success in reaching in from above to grab the magnet....
I hit it wrong.
And it went flying deeper into the gap. 

So. Close!!

And no amount of wiggling and twisting of the tools I had on hand gained me access. 

And it was frustrating.
Because I wanted to succeed and make Kikay happy again.

So I was like. Okay. I know the draw can lift up a little bit because I'd managed to do so earlier.
Maybe I could lift it higher if all the food in the bottom of the drawer was taken out. 
Which it did help. It was a wider gap. But not enough.  
Because I couldn't lift it all the way because the shelf above it was blocking it.
Sooo what if I removed the shelf holding our ice cream?? Would that help?

It did. lol I went all gorilla on it and pulled the shelf, still loaded with food, out of the freezer and set it on the ground before returning to the drawer where, with a bit of maneuvering, I was able to reach into the larger gap and grab the magnet out!!!

I WIN!!! 


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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