Friday, March 25, 2011

The Friend Visit

The Dream

I was going out on a date with my boyfriend.
We'd walked out of the building and were heading to the car to leave.
When my high school friends Je, Te, Ta. pulled up in their car.
Now I was surprised to see them. and happy....but also...torn.
Because I wanted to say hi and chat because they'd come a long way to see me.
But I was heading out on a date! I wanted to do that as well.
However, they looked very serious and told me to get in their car.
So I went along with it and slid in the back of the red car
One of them was sitting next to me while the other two friends were in the front.
I sat in the middle. Which was awkward, the ceiling was weird, low, so I had to twist my head to avoid hitting it. I turned to my boyfriend to gesture him inside the car.
But he refused, instead getting into the passenger side of my car.
And I think he was meaning to follow us...
Anyway me and my friends went driving.
And I was like....Whats up guys?
And one of the girls turned to me and said.
"Izzy's dead."

Now a variety of emotions went through me ranging from utmost disbelief.
"izzy? No, you're kidding right? She can't be dead" was my basic response.
But the friend responded "She was checked into the hospital this morning (she said an acronym I wasn't familiar with denoting which part of the hospital she'd been in.), but she's gone now."
I was still in disbelief trying to decide if they were actually serious or not.
I mean they could have texted or called me and not driven all the way down here to tell me that.
But I knew that Izzy had been in and out of the hospital before.
could this have been the final straw basically?
So i asked what happened.
and the girlfriend started explaining that Izzy's body had been discovered on a conveyor belt in a junkyard about to be smashed. And that they weren't sure who had done it and such.

At some point we'd gotten out of the car and were in a house type area.
And from out of no where a man with black hair and a white mask....that was a combination of mask and paint appeared.
At first I thought he might be an earlier boyfriend of mine T.C.
But as I looked...I began thinking it was my current boyfriend.

So it had actually been a trick after all.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away
and I became myself again.

And that
Is why the fox never came home.


I started with a dream I had today when I came home and took a nap.
Because the events afterwards were kind of....coincidental.
And I'm wondering if there is a meaning in what I 'saw'
After I woke up from this dream and nap.
I was....alone at my place.
Everyone else having left to be elsewhere.
So it was rather creepy. To have woken up from a dream of death and a guy in a mask...possibly after me.
And be alone.
I half expected to wake up to somebody in my room
I went out into my living room and turned on the tv just to get some noise on.
And the show currently being aired.
Was about a girl.
Who had been found unconscious and badly hurt in the middle of the road really early in the morning.
And when she woke up....she couldn't remember the events leading up to her ending up in the middle of the road.
And the show was about them trying to figure out what had actually happened.

It was....rather creepy in a fascinating way how it seemed to be connected somehow. 
That I hope it was just a coincidence.
But I have to wonder why I dreamt that in the first place...
Anywho that was a moment of....slight scaredycattedness in my day. :)

Which I can kinda trace to a cause.
Those three friends came to visit me a week or so ago during spring break.
But we didn't have alot of time to hang out because I had a date with my boyfriend an hour after they showed up.
They had mentioned that they would most likely be coming down Sunday for a longer visit.
but on Sunday I was told that they wouldn't be coming down.
It wasn't totally unexpected, but I had had high hopes.
So I asked why they weren't coming down.
And.....didn't get a response back.
so my immediate thought (that I discarded right away as silly)
was that someone had gotten hurt or been found dead that I knew and they were all mourning.
I knew it was a silly thought. I figured other things had come up.
But apparently....that thought has been bugging my subconscious mind long enough for me to dream about it.
Its interesting what things seem to bug us subconsciously or we worry to pieces even when there is no real just cause.
I think that this dream piece was a: "I want my friends to come visit me for the day, but I don't think it will happen until something drastic happens." Dream. But I was actually wanting them to make it into a big joke. And that they just came down to have fun. :)
Hopefully, whatever the case, that part of my brain found a solution to its problem before I woke up. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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