Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fading Light

Today I was sitting at home in the living room.
And I noticed the room starting to get darker....and darker....and darker as the sun faded behind the mountains.
Its kinda interesting how I didn't really notice the fading light at first.
But then there was a moment where I basically blinked and realized
"Hey its darker in this room!"
Funnily enough...I didn't really do anything about that fact.
The darkness wasn't really bugging me at that moment because I wasn't doing anything that required light.
Still it was interesting me to watch the room get darker and darker
While the more poignant details of the room faded....like colors and patterns.
I could still basically see. There was still light to see by in this darkness.
It just wasn't a noonday brightness.
Then...the lights were turned on.
And wow....that was blinding.
And a great contrast
Between how dark it was before.
And how light the room can be with a light on.

I think....that this sunset....the fading light....might be a pretty good....metaphor
for how we end up on a darker path.
In the beginning those first couple of choices that may not be exactly right...don't seem to change the light any. So you continue to make choices and go down a darker path...without really noticing that the path is getting darker as you go down it.
Now...it might not be that you're actively going down a dark path.
Like I was doing earlier, it could be that you were too lazy to go find the lighter path.
Or the thought that perhaps "Oh I can do that later." keeps you motionless, or moving downward as the darkness deepens.
It seems so simple "Oh this is dark, I need to move to the light."
Yet when the choice is before us...
are we apathetic to that choice?
Do we let Satan lure us down this dark path because we just stay motionless and let events happen around you without trying to influence them?
And if you don't make a choice to go seek the light.
Would you be willing to trust that someone else will turn the 'light' on for you and 'get you on the right path?'
It could be a wakeup call for sure.
But I dont' think its that easy.
When the lights were turned on at my place.
I blinked and had to block my vision for a moment to let my eyes get used to the light. And for a few minutes I wanted the lights off, so i could be in darkness again where my eyes had adjusted to being.
Luckily...the lights weren't turned off again...
because even a brief exposure to the light....can show you how dark it actually it is when they lights are off.
Perhaps that's enough to jumpkick you into gear
That flash of lightning that sends you searching for the Dawn for the fading darkness and increasing light.
Some people can make the jump from Midnight to Noon easily.
But others...we have to take smaller steps.
To move into the light and to move into darkness.
often times we don't consciously realize that we made the choice...but at one point.
We do.
"Hey Its getting darker."
"Hey its getting lighter."
It just matters if we choose to change or not. And Change in the positive light to stay in that light and not let the darkness slowly envelope us in its clutches.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My sister was being attacked by by mosquito's on top of a building/redstone rock place.
And she really wanted to know why.
And my mom and I decided it was because she had honey on her and the mosquito's were attracted to it.

Then there were these two guys...who were interested in something by us...but I don't remember what. They were cute, but they were 'dark' like they had an alterior motive that wasn't all that good for being up on the roof with us.

There was more to the dream, but after a long day...its faded to that brief remembrance. :)

And that
is why the fox never came home. :)


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