Monday, December 19, 2011

I Cannot Find My Way

Another Holiday.....slash non holiday song I like to listen to, was discovered...well rediscovered a Christmas or two ago when the Institute Chorale put on a performance. And among their various songs, was sung this song, which I saw in the play form back in Jr. High and liked....
(Yes, this one is on my Ipod all year round as well ;) lol )

Its called Three Kings Found the Lord from the Forgotten Carols.
I just remember it as "I cannot find my way." Because that's the coolest part of the song in my opinion. :)
I would also sing it to myself under my breath on those days when...I was more lonely? I wasn't in as bright of a mood. It helped to cheer me up though. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with people, I think they were the Institute Council. We were down at the school.
Doing In preparation for something....
The woman in charge -she was dressed in yoga clothes- had us do this and that.
She reminded me of an old P.E. teacher I had.
I did a back bend and she was rather impressed by that.
(I had taken gymnastics when I was younger...I did the backbend much easier in the dream though.)
And she wanted to see how long it would take me to run from the field to my house and back.
I started out running and did a lap around the elementary playing field before taking off through college campus (which has alot of stairs)
It was a bit crowded because there was some Genealogy exhibit going on that was apparently everywhere on campus because there weren't any classes going on.
I could have, just run the same distance to my house on the field in a big circle. But I wanted to do the actual run to my house and back thing.
So up lots of steps I went. Some of those stairs were like mall stairs. Escalators. And they didn't all go the same speed. As I was running up I saw Stuart -on council- coming down.
I thought that was rather odd...he was supposed to be with the others training.
But I didn't have time to talk. I was trying to get to my house as quick as possible.
I made it to the top of the 6th level and began making my way across the numerous parking lots. Which were crowded with cars people and construction cones. I made it to the street next to the hill that had a grey building on top of it and pine trees.
My place was still a 'twenty minute' run away. But I didn't think I could get to my house and back before class ended.
So I turned around and headed back across the parking lot and the stairs to get back to the teacher. I thought to myself: "I'll add in twenty minutes" to my overall time.
As I was going back the stairs I caught up in Stuart....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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