Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Small Break

One thing I love about my job, is how understanding the managers are. 

Which, I think really, it's because I have a great track record of being a hard and diligent worker.
And I'm also known for coming to work despite not feeling well and working through it.

But there are days where I just have to take a breather.

Today was one of those days. 

Like usual, the problem starts with a Migraine.

Which had kept me from sleeping well last night.
And had me practically at zombie mode today.

It was bad.

I did not feel well. 
To the point that I had to keep sitting down because I was shaky enough and my stomach unsettled enough that I just needed to sit down.
Plus my eyes were so tired. I just wanted to close them and zonk out for a half hour or so.

So that's what I went to my manager about.

Since I was working a longer shift, I would be able to have two fifteens and a lunch break.

Since I almost never get my second fifteen.

I went to my manager half an hour after I arrived.
And asked if I could take my two fifteens together and go lay down because I wasn't feeling well due to the migraine.

My manager said that would be fine.

So I grabbed my heat pack that I leave in my locker at work, warmed it up, grabbed a dog bed from off the rack, and placed it in a corner in the break room.
I turned out the lights, laid on the dogbed and just crashed for half an hour with the heatpack pressed against the area of my head that was aching.

And it worked.

A half hour of rest and I was practically good as new.
Not totally a hundred percent. 

But the worst of the headache had passed due to that nap.

For which I'm grateful.

Yay for managers who are willing to help me out and let me take a breather when I need it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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