Friday, November 22, 2019

Meal Prep

Thanksgiving is going to be different this year. 

Which, I probably had similar thoughts this time last year as well.
Of course last year was....dark. 
Like it's hard to feel grateful when you're dealing with the loss of your Mom.

But this year....

Is going to be different in that it's the first year where my siblings aren't going to be joining us for dinner.

As they're going to be spending the holiday with their S.O.'s families instead.

Which leaves means....

That really it's just Daddoo and I who will be together.

And since Mother Dearest's passing...Daddoo hasn't really been in the mood to cook.

So he's been pushing to just go out and eat for Thanksgiving.

Which is nice and less work and all....

But it doesn't have that Thanksgiving feel to it.
Namely in that we wouldn't have leftovers and it just feels like...not a celebration at all. 


But due to my work schedule being as it is....I only have Thanksgiving off.
So we can't really go and visit family or anything like that. 


I've decided on something crazy.

And we'll see if Daddoo will go along with it -which since he barely has to cook anything, he probably will- when he gets back from his extended vaca.

But I've decided to make Thanksgiving Dinner.
Leaving Daddoo to make the mashed potatoes as his are the best. 

In any case.

I went shopping today for all the things.

Better to do so sooner rather than later because who knows how crazy the stores are going to be next Wednesday.

But I managed to find a little turkey, that should be enough food to feed the two of us and not have like a month's worth of leftovers.

-Have I ever cooked a turkey before?
Will it fail?
Hopefully not. 
We'll see.

But yah.
I got most of the fixins for dinner.
Salad, Rolls, Veggies, Turkey....dessert.
I mean there's no stuffing or the like.

But hey it will feel a bit more like Thanksgiving methinks.



I just...didn't want to go out to eat you know?

So this is going to be an interesting adventure to embark on....
We'll see how well I do.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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