Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sand or Gravel

Work ended up contacting me out of the blue today.

Which while isn't unexpected was still kinda surprising considering I'm on vacation today.

It's how I felt on Thursday as well, when I was driving up North.

Because as I was driving, one of my Manager's suddenly called me.

And I was like O_o why are you calling me? You know I'm on vacation. 

This manager was calling me....because he was driving in the car right in front of me lol.

Crazy that we ended up both heading the same direction about the same time.

But yah. He was like "Hey! I tried getting your attention but you wouldn't look at me! So I called you."

*shakes head*
It gave me a smile for sure lol. XD 

It was random.

Today's text was also random.

It was a different manager.

Asking if it would be okay to switch out the sand in our snail tank for gravel because we apparently had a worm infestation in the tank and they wanted to get rid of it.

Honestly I don't see why they didn't just replace the old sand with new sand.

But I reassured the manager that it would be okay to switch it out for gravel.

The main reason we'd gone with sand in the first place is that the snails have an easier time moving through the sand....and our little horned nerite snails that are there are so tiny they can get lost in the rocks.

As to the worms....honestly they probably could have treated the tank. 
But if that manager wants to put in rocks. They can totally do that.
We've done rocks before. 

I am confused why the manager came to me to ask if it was okay that they made this change to try and get the tank back under control. *shakes head*

I'm guessing it's because I know the most in the department and was the one to put the snails in sand, so they probably wanted to check in and make sure it would be okay to put gravel in instead without it being wrong. 

Ah well.
Hopefully work survives a couple more days without needing to contact me again until I get back. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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