Thursday, November 7, 2019

Training the Greenie

It's that time of year for training.

As I spent most of the morning today training a new coworker on how to open up the department and basically acting like a fire hydrant spouting off as much information as I could in the short window of time I had with them so that they would be able to work in the department and such and be able to interact with customers.

Because in all likelihood I'm not going to be working with them much in the future.
As I tend to do the morning shifts.
And from how my coworker was talking, they'll be working mostly night shifts.
Which means that if we do see each other it will basically be for the 'changing of the guard' as I'll be leaving while they're arriving.

So I did what I could to tell them as much as possible in like the four hours I had them with me. 

Which...unfortunately meant that I ended up falling waaaay behind in my opening tasks.

As there's only so much I can do while trying to teach and open at the same time.

And while I did show them the basic opening procedures and such.

I also needed to show them how to bag crickets and catch fish and tell them about care of a bunch of different animals....

So by the time my new coworker left...
It was the lunch hour.

And we got hit by a rush.

And I hadn't done the bedding change of the day yet.

And with only a couple of hours left in my shift.
I ended up forgoing the bedding change to try and catch up on the rest of opening tasks.

Namely the fish tank stuff.

I didn't reach the fish tank stuff.
I did mostly finish receiving in the bugs.

But I kept getting pulled away by customers. 

So yah.

It was frustrating to not get opening done.

But hopefully I gave enough information to my coworker that they'll be able to have a bit of confidence in helping out customers in the future.

Guess we'll see.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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