Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Isolated Again

It seems like there's something going on with my fishtank.

Which shouldn't be a surprise.
Honestly I feel like whenever I add in new fish I end up having some sort of issue come up.

And I did add in like a dozen fish like a week ago.
Sooo it makes sense that my tank would be experiencing problems.

I have this handy little iso tank currently set up.
Which means that when I see problem fish I can move them over to that tank.
And not have to worry about treating the big tank.

Which is what I had to do today.
When I noticed that one of my other goldfish....had one eye that was bigger than the other. 
Bleh. Popeye.

Another one that's not easy to treat in my tank.

And points to there being something off in my big tank.
So when I have time, and the weather gets slightly warmer.
I definitely need to do a water change.

Probably fifty percent.

But I have to wait.
As my angelfish just laid eggs.
And therefore I need to see how they do before I disturb the tank by draining a quarter to half of the tank.

So the waiting game it is.

But for now.
The goldfish with popeye has joined my other oranda with the injuries in the smaller tank. 
Hopefully no more fish fall ill.

I don't think a ten gallon will do well for long with any more fish added to it.

Thankfully my oranda is already appearing to be healing.
So hopefully it's more like a couple of weeks being in the iso tank instead of a month or two. :S 

We'll see.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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