Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Visited and Training

It was a stressful day for my managers.
Because we had the regional manager coming into the store.

Honestly, I could sense the stress and worry building as my head manager kept updating us every two minutes on where the Regional Manager was in their journey to get to our store. 

As before that we were cleaning and facing and organizing and doing all the things to try and make the store look it's best possible. 

And in these sorts of scenarios, I usually end up with a headache of some sort.
Because I just...take in other people's stress and get stressed because they're stressed.

But this time around I was actually doing pretty good despite the lack of proper sleep from staying up too late by accident last night. 

After all.
I know all too well by now that the managers usually are stressed over nothing and our visits go pretty well.
I also know that my department doesn't get looked at quite as closely as other areas of the store.
So I wasn't as stressed despite my managers being stressed.

It also helped that I actually had help with opening this morning so I wasn't trying to desperately get the entire department open by myself.

Nope had help for that.

And our visit went really well. 

Especially in my department.

The only real critique that I was told we had....
Was the fact that we were constantly running out of Ghost Shrimp.

Which is not something exactly I can control. But one of the higher ups has told us that we can special order in ghost shrimp because they don't want us to have to turn customers away because we ran out. 
So that's going to be interesting.

Mostly because I didn't think we could special order anything anymore.
We would just get sent replenishment as needed. 

But yah. We're going to be ordering more ghost shrimp in to make sure we don't run out. 
So woot.

In any case.
The visit overall went really well! 

I figured it would.
We've been doing pretty good in all the previous visits from higher ups this year.
So I wasn't worried about this time going well too.

What did throw me off today.

Was that when I got back from lunch.
It was to discover that one of our cashiers...is now going to be trained in my department.

Mostly I think it was a spur of the moment thing as one of our new petcare people called out....again and we needed someone to help cover the gap.

And this cashier is quite the go getter.
So the managers were like "Here! Train them!" 


I don't mind training.
But at the same time, it takes a lot of energy to train.
And because I had no idea I would be training a new person today....
I didn't have the energy set aside to do the training.

I mean, I trained them.
But it drained me to the point of getting a headache.

Because I don't like unexpected stress.
Not at all. 

Thankfully....things went well.
I can only hope that the cashier did okay in the department after I left them.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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